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Two small business owners and a main street in an American small town

2024 Firms in Focus chartbooks on small business data

The 2024 Firms in Focus chartbooks break down data from the Federal Reserve’s 2023 Small Business Credit Survey by business characteristics, owner demographics, and geographic location (states and metropolitan statistical areas).

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Business characteristics chartbooks | Owner demographics chartbooks | Geographic location chartbooks

How do small business challenges in various states compare to those across the United States? How do yearly revenue growth expectations differ for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and white small business owners? How did the credit-seeking experiences of women-owned small businesses compare to those of their men-owned counterparts in 2023?

Find those comparisons and more in these 43 Firms in Focus chartbooks that provide a breakdown of the Federal Reserve’s 2023 Small Business Credit Survey (SBCS) data. Each chartbook includes data collected on:

  • Firm performance: revenue, employment, and business conditions
  • Challenges: financial and operational challenges and actions taken in response
  • Debt and financial services: use of financial services, and payments
  • Financing: financing applications and outcomes
  • Demographics: firms and owner characteristics

Analyzing small business data by characteristics can provide a helpful framework for understanding business experiences and credit outcomes. Identifying the challenges affecting particular sets of small businesses can enable policymakers and service providers to develop targeted solutions.

Business characteristics

Age of firm chartbook download

Demographic data collected through the survey offers detailed insights on how a small business’ growth, challenges, and financing experiences change over time. Get more data and reports in our age of firms category.

Credit risk chartbook download

Credit risk—a measure of a firm’s credit worthiness derived from the credit score of the business and its owners—is an important factor in small firms’ access to credit and, ultimately, the ability to grow. Get more data and reports in our credit risk category.

Employment size chartbook download

Small businesses are companies with fewer than 500 employees. Yet the differences between a firm with five employees and one with 400 employees can be large, so data breakdowns by firm size can be helpful to understanding businesses’ unique challenges and financing needs. Get more data and reports in our employment size category.

Industry chartbook download

The experiences of a bar or restaurant owner can be quite different from the experiences of an owner of an IT consulting firm. That’s why segmenting out businesses by industry when analyzing their well-being provides valuable insights. Get more data and reports in our industry category.

Revenue size chartbook download

The experiences and challenges of small businesses vary significantly by revenue size. The SBCS collects data on annual revenues and provides perspectives on differences across revenue size categories. Get more data and reports in our revenue size category.

Rural and urban firms chartbook download

The physical location of a small business provides important economic, demographic, and cultural context for understanding the firm’s experiences. Small businesses in rural and urban areas share some characteristics but are different in other ways. Get more data and reports in our rural and urban category.

Owner characteristics

Age of owner chartbook download

While younger business owners often rely on their personal funds or loans from family or friends to fund their business, older business owners are more often successful at obtaining credit through applications for traditional forms of financing like loans and lines of credit. Get more data and reports in our age of owner category.

Gender of owners chartbook download

The experiences and credit outcomes of small businesses may be linked, at least in part, to the gender of the business owners. Get more data and reports in our gender of owners category.

Immigrant-owned small business chartbook download

Immigrants are a vital part of the nation’s business sector and SBCS data provides analysis and understanding of the experiences of these businesses. Get more data and reports in our immigrant-owned firms category.

LGBTQ-owned small business chartbook download

The SBCS finds that approximately 7 percent of small businesses are at least partially owned by somebody who identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community—and the survey finds that the experiences of these firms differ in some ways from other firms. Get more data and reports in our LGBTQ-owned firms category.

Race and ethnicity of owners chartbook download

Research indicates that the number of firms owned by people of color has grown in recent years, suggesting that these businesses may comprise an increasingly large share of the small-business sector. Get more data and reports in our race and ethnicity category.

Veteran-owned small business chartbook download

About 14 percent of small employer businesses in the 2023 Small Business Credit Survey were at least partially veteran-owned with 9 percent being fully veteran-owned small businesses. Get more data and reports in our veteran-owned firms category.

Geographic location


Atlanta chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Atlanta small business.

Boston chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Boston small business.

Chicago chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Chicago small business.

Cleveland chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Cleveland small business.

Houston chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Houston small business.

Los Angeles chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Los Angeles small business.

Miami chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Miami small business.

New York City chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about New York City small business.

Philadelphia chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Philadelphia small business.

Portland chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Portland small business.

Tampa chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Tampa small business.

Washington, D.C., chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Washington, D.C., small business.


Alabama chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Alabama small business.

Arizona chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Arizona small business.

California chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about California small business.

Connecticut chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Connecticut small business.

Florida chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Florida small business.

Georgia chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Georgia small business.

Illinois chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Illinois small business.

Massachusetts chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Massachusetts small business.

Michigan chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Michigan small business.

Minnesota chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Minnesota small business.

New Jersey chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about New Jersey small business.

New York chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about New York small business.

North Carolina chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about North Carolina small business.

Ohio chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Ohio small business.

Oregon chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Oregon small business.

Pennsylvania chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Pennsylvania small business.

Texas chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Texas small business.

Virginia chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Virginia small business.

Washington chartbook download

This chartbook provides survey data about Washington small business.

Suggested Citation

“2024 Firms in Focus chartbooks on small business data.” 2024. Small Business Credit Survey. Federal Reserve Banks.